![]() 04/06/2017 at 12:36 • Filed to: Bad drivers | ![]() | ![]() |
This is the entrance of the parking garage of the building. A young woman pulled up and for reasons the entry gate was down and I guess wouldn’t spit a ticket out. Someone else already went around because the exit gate was left open.
She kept trying to back up but would turn the wheel and almost got wedged or backing into the steps on right or curb on left. I tried to get her to “sttaighten the wheel the back up” but would always go too far to opposite side, then head for concrete. She eventually got backed up but with another car 10-15' behind she didn’t back up enough and turning left the front passenger hopped the curb and I just had to walk away into that door on the right. Eventually the car was gone.
I may have been an asshole, but I just couldn’t help any more.
I’m sorry lady, use your mirrors, tilt them down and don’t get embarrassed or anxious because people are watching you curb your wheels.
It was a red maybe infinity mid sized sedan I think.
![]() 04/06/2017 at 12:44 |
you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink...
![]() 04/06/2017 at 12:48 |
At some point, you have to realize that there’s nothing you can do, except get yourself stressed out over their incredible lack of basic competence.
![]() 04/06/2017 at 12:57 |
I’ve told someone “Just give up” and walked away when I tried to help them parallel park their car and they just couldn’t work the angle correctly. It was a large enough space too but they just couldn’t understand basic commands like “Turn your steering wheel to the right” “Keep your wheel straight”.
![]() 04/06/2017 at 13:03 |
I felt bad because of the concrete walls I had to talk loud, told her to roll her window down so she could hear me, but Shen probably thought I was going to car jack her or something. She likely felt as if I was yelling at her. Oh well she has a story to tell her friends now how a construction work was yelling at her and she “wrecked” her car and I stopped helping.
I had to be like Pontius Pilate and wash my hands of the situation.
![]() 04/06/2017 at 13:05 |
I didn’t realize my wife drove a red Infiniti.
Seriously though, she’s just one of those people that just can’t visualize things spatially. I makes me want to rip my hair out sometimes. I wish I could understand why some people’s brains just don’t work that way when it seems so easy to me. Then again, I’m sure there’s stuff that I am perplexed with that she thinks is simple.
![]() 04/06/2017 at 13:19 |
It is mind-boggling how hard it is for some people to do simple maneuvers. My blood-pressure sky-rockets when I see someone struggle backing a sub-compact car out of a parking space that I could park a 15 passenger van in with no issues.
![]() 04/06/2017 at 13:23 |
That lady is still light years ahead of THIS lady. But be forewarned, it’s four and a half minutes of excruciating, agonizing “OH COME ON!”
And I love how everyone just gathers in the parking lot at the end. They were probably all asking each other if that had been for real.
![]() 04/06/2017 at 13:39 |
That’s going to stress me out for the rest of the afternoon.
![]() 04/06/2017 at 13:46 |
I watched a lady do a 19 point turn trying to get out of a parking lot on tuesday. 19! I thought that was the crap you only get to see in YouTube videos.
![]() 04/06/2017 at 13:53 |
It makes me wonder how there aren’t more casualties/incidents on the road, and how these people get licenses. Well, with privatized testing where I live, I have some theories. Everyone makes a boo-b00 on rare occasion, but some people are just gifted.
My best incident was with an older lady who somehow parked in a narrow spot, but was afraid to back out - like keeping the wheel straight intimidated her. She asked me to move the car for her. I thought about potential liability issues, but did it anyway. She was relieved.
![]() 04/06/2017 at 14:19 |
The guy recording the video says (@0:15) that it’d been ‘going on for 20 minutes’ before they started recording.
Even so, it’s still 14:32 of agony watching it.
![]() 04/06/2017 at 14:38 |
I feel better about my life now, thanks!
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